15 Nov Speed KILLS
Being a programmer means you are under tremendous pressure to go fast. There are deadlines to meet. There are bugs to fix before the big demo. There are production schedules to keep. And your job depends on how fast you go and how reliably you keep your schedules. And that means you have to cut corners, compromise, and be quick and dirty.
We’ve all been slowed down by the bad code we wrote a month ago, two weeks ago, even yesterday. There is one sure thing in software. If you write bad code, you are going to go slow. If the code is bad enough, you may just grind to a halt.
The only way to go fast is to go well.
Professionals do not rush. Professionals understand the value of cleanliness and discipline. Professionals do not write bad code
If you want to be a professional, if you want to be a craftsman, then you must not rush. You must keep your code clean. So clean it barely needs comments.
Uncle Bob